Amidst concerns surrounding the coronavirus, we want to let you know how First Baptist Church is responding. To answer the main question asked, we will be meeting tomorrow, March 15th, for worship at our regularly scheduled time 9:00 am. But we will be doing a few things differently this week. We will not be serving coffee as we usually do each week. And instead of passing the offering plates, we will have ushers placed near the doors to collect your offering as you leave the service. You can also give electronically, which you can do by clicking “Online Giving” on the banner of our webpage
Even though we are meeting, we are also called to be wise. So if you are feeling sick or running a fever, the most loving thing to do is stay home. And if there reasons it is best for you to not be around others at this time, we encourage you to also stay home. We stream our services each week and it can be seen at a couple of places. We stream through our Facebook page – – and on our church website –
Our leadership will continue to monitor this situation. We will communicate updates to our schedule and services through our website and Facebook page. In the midst of this, we continue to trust in God as the Creator and Sustainer of life and go to him in prayer. Pray for mercy and health for the sick. Pray for wisdom and strength for doctors and the medical community. Pray that the ministry of the church would continue to flourish as we are salt and light to a world in desperate need of a Savior.