It’s that time when we start thinking about the future. Call them goals, resolutions, changes, hopes or dreams. Here are a few of mine for the church in 2011.
1. Cure the ‘Keys Disease‘
Or put another way, we are going to start services on time. The plan is to have some music playing by 8:45 to set the mood/tone as you arrive. Then we’ll start at 9 AM sharp. Even if there are only 5 of us there.
2. Begin a Time of Prayer Before the Service
For anyone who would like to be a part, we will meet in my office on Sunday mornings at 8:35 to pray prior to the worship service. Join me starting this week, January 2nd.
3. Prayer Meeting Will Be Moved to the Sanctuary
Right now, we are meeting in a classroom near the office. While I have enjoyed the intimacy of the smaller space, some have indicated it is too cozy for their taste. So starting Wednesday, January 5th, we will be in the sanctuary beginning at 6:30 PM.
4. Have One Activity Each Month NOT at the Church
We are going to take the first word of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) seriously – we are going to “Go!” We got a taste of it when we wrapped gifts at K-Mart before Christmas. Let’s break the ‘holy huddle’ of Sundays and get in the game. We’ll be looking for ways to reach into our community with the message of Jesus. January’s activity will be prayer walking the area. Stay tuned for more details.
5. Emphasize & Re-Engergize Small Group Bible Study
First, the bad news: our attendance on Sunday mornings this past year has slipped. But there is some good news: I have seen groups meeting at other times during the week stay strong. While corporate worship is great, there is no substitute for time spent with other believers in the Word of God. So I want to see us offer some new and unique opportunities to do just that. Expect short term studies, special events, and a few surprises as well.