Another year has come and gone. I pray that your Christmas holiday was enjoyable, relaxing, and spent with those most important to you. But I still cannot believe it is already January 2019!
With a new year comes new hopes and opportunities. And ChurchWorld – as like to call it – is no different. Which is why I am writing to you. I want you to know about how our church is kicking off this new year. This Sunday, January 6th, we will begin a church wide campaign called “40 Days of Community.” For the next six weeks, we will focus on what it means that God has put us together in this thing we call First Baptist Church. Each Sunday in our worship service we will look at different aspects of what it means that we are a community of faith. And that will be followed up and reinforced by the small groups that meet during the week.
I want to encourage everyone to get involved in this campaign. Make every effort to join us in worship this Sunday as we kick it all off. If for some reason you cannot be here, remember that you can watch the stream of our services on Facebook live. Here is the link to the church Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/firstbaptistkeylargo/
Let me also ask you to join one of the small groups for these weeks. These groups are really the heart of the whole emphasis, where the true sense of community can be experienced. There will be a list of days and times the groups meet given out in worship on Sunday. I’ll post it on the church website (in case you need the link it is www.fbckl.com) and Facebook page as well. In the group you’ll get devotional to use daily, watch a short video teaching segment, and discuss the ideas. But more than that I pray you will build relationships, find encouragement and fellowship, pray together, laugh together and grow together.
I believe these first weeks of 2019 will be important for our church. I believe that God brought each of us to this church on purpose and for a purpose. I believe God does not intend us to live the Christian life alone. So, I am asking you to make it a priority to be a part of this campaign. And I think that you will come to see what I believe is true – that we are better together!
By His grace,
Pastor Charles