I started going to church when I was an infant. We had something called the Cradle Roll at the church I grew up in, and I was enrolled at a few months old. Which means that I have been going to church for almost 47 years now. That’s almost 2,500 Sundays. I guess you might expect that from a pastor/minister/preacher. But I think for lots of people, going to church has been a pretty normal part of their Christian experience.
But ‘going to church’ is not the only way we describe our religious activities. Maybe you have been told that you should “read your Bible.” Oh, and don’t forget to “say your prayers.” I’ve heard a few sermons that remind me to “give my 10%.” And I have taken classes to help me learn to “share my faith.” In his book titled Quit Going To Church, Bob Hostetler talks about the way these ideas have been emptied of their meaning. On page 12, he asks the questions,
“What if the form of Christianity commonly practiced by us… bears little – if any – resemblance to the way of Jesus and the kingdom he came to earth to usher in?
What if we’ve missed the boat in more important things, like how to talk to God and how to please him? What if we’ve misunderstood – even misrepresented – what it means to truly follow Jesus?”